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Keelman Homes Business Plan 2017-21

by Anne-Marie Pearce & filed under Keelman Homes, Latest news

Keelman Homes Business Plan 2017-21 shares the company’s successes to date and sets out the company’s ambitions and aspirations for the future. Download Keelman Homes Limited Business Plan 2017-21 16pp (PDF) Or email us to request a print copy.


Keelman Homes makes milestone purchase

by Anne-Marie Pearce & filed under Empty Homes Programme

Social housing provider Keelman Homes has purchased its first non-ex-local-authority property through its 2015-2018 Empty Homes Programme. The one-bedroom new-build property is situated on Whitewell Road on the former Bleach Green Estate in Blaydon. 31 Whitewell Road is now ready to let and will be advertised in late January. The property has an allocated parking… Read the full article →


Keelman Homes secures additional Empty Homes Grant

by Anne-Marie Pearce & filed under Empty Homes Programme

Keelman Homes has secured an additional Empty Homes Grant from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). The additional £400,000 has enabled the Keelman Homes Empty Homes Purchase and Repair Programme 2015-18 to double the number of empty homes which will be brought back into use in Gateshead. The original programme included 20 units after initially… Read the full article →


Work starts at West Park

by Anne-Marie Pearce & filed under Gateshead Council, Keelman Homes, Latest news, The Gateshead Housing Company, The Lonnen - Ryton

Housing association Keelman Homes Limited is building new quality affordable homes for rent in the Dunston and Teams area of Gateshead, in partnership with Gateshead Council and the Homes and Communities Agency. Gateshead Council has designed the houses, and will build them on behalf of Keelman Homes. Initial works, to prepare for demolition of the… Read the full article →


Older homes brought back into use

by Anne-Marie Pearce & filed under Empty Homes Programme

In addition to building new homes, Keelman Homes has delivered two Empty Homes Programmes that have brought 19 residential properties back into use. Our Empty Homes Programmes are supported by grant funding from the Homes and Communities Agency. The homes refurbished by our Empty Homes Programmes have been let at affordable rent. The gallery above shows… Read the full article →
